Brigitta Schneiter

Brigitta Schneiter
Dorfstrasse 28
CH-9248 Bichwil
+41 71 955 95 33
About me
In my life, I've probably always been on a quest of some kind. As a person who learns through the process of trial and error, I have tried a lot of things. It has always been important to me to find my own individual path because I am convinced that every person has very specific qualities. It is important to discover these qualities and for me, HUMAN DESIGN was and is an important tool and aid for this.
With HUMAN DESIGN, I discovered myself and understood what my true nature is. I was able to learn what my own qualities are and where I have been conditioned by my environment. HUMAN DESIGN has enabled me to recognize and live my true self.
I am happy to pass on my knowledge and fascination with this multi-layered method of analysis because I think it is important to strengthen the individuality in everyone.
Activities / Offers